IO-Link StarterKit update
05 September 2008
The Mesco IO-Link StarterKit contains all required components for the development, test and commissioning of devices with IO-Link communication.
Key components are: Slave firmware stack, hardware modules plus schematics both for Master and Slave Device, IO-Link monitor and environment for test and commissioning.
The updated StarterKit Slave Stack fully complies with the IO-Link Specification V1.0 including the optional features: service PDU, for transferring huge amounts of application specific data; interleaved Mode (Frame Type 1), for up to 32 byte process input and output data and extended Diagnostics, for detailed event messages.
The Service PDU is a dedicated data channel with a 8/16 bit address range for manufacturer specific data objects. Each data object with a length of up to 227 byte.
The Extended Diagnostics supports up to six simultaneous events characterised by an 8 bit qualifier and a 16 bit code value, including manufacturer specific event codes.
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