British Safety Council
70 Chandlers Road
W6 9RS
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Article archive for British Safety Council;
The British Safety Council (BSC) has issued its response to the inquiry led by Dame Judith Hackitt: Building a Safer Future, Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.The BSC said it welcomed many recommendations in the final report, but said it had concerns over other issues....
The British Safety Council (BSC) has cautioned that the UK Government’s announcement that low risk businesses such as shops, offices and clubs will be exempt from regular “burdensome health and safety inspections” from April 2013 "risks generating more heat than light". ...
The British Safety Council has expressed serious concern that the reduction in the number of deaths at work has stalled over the last two years. in response to the official 2011/12 worker fatality statistics released by the Health and Safety Executive. ...
The British Safety Council has launched a new range of instant access health, safety and environmental e-learning courses, allowing employers to quickly and easily purchase and provide online training to employees from as little as £10 per course....
The British Safety Council (BSC) has launched Working Well, its first ever manifesto for workplace health and safety. Working Well is a five-year roadmap, with five steps and actions to achieve the BSC vision that no-one should be killed, injured or made ill through work activities. ...
Online health and safety training is now available from the British Safety Council (BSC). The Working Safely e-learning course from the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is designed to provide risk management training and an understanding of hazards at all levels of expertise and in all sectors....
Nominations for the 2012 International Safety Awards, run by the British Safety Council, close on 29 February. The Awards recognise the commitment of organisations worldwide, across sectors, to good health and safety management....
The British Safety Council is pleased to announce that its International Safety Awards 2012 scheme is now open for applications. This scheme enables the British Safety Council to recognise the commitment of organisations, in all sectors and across the globe, to good health and safety management....
The British Safety Council (BSC) has launched its new website ( aimed at strengthening the global health and safety charity’s online interaction with its members and wider health, safety and environmental management community....
Organisations of every size and sector and from all over the world have won the prestigious British Safety Council International Safety Award (ISA), given in recognition of an organisation’s proven commitment to workplace health and safety. 601 organisations from the public, private and third sectors applied for the long-established award which was opened up to non-members for the first time this year with new distinction and merit categories added....